Agnes Tam

Dr. Agnes Tam is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calgary and the 2023-4 Applied Ethics Fellow of the Calgary Institute for the Humanities. Abandoned in rural China, adopted first by Hong Kong and later by Canada, Agnes is grappling with questions of belonging herself. She holds a law degree from the University of Hong Kong, a Master in Political Theory from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a PhD in Philosophy from Queen’s University, Kingston, and was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at McGill University, Montreal. Her research reflects her hybrid identities and ambivalence toward community. Her empirically-informed work on how groupthink paradoxically both impedes and facilitates moral progress has been published in Journal of Political Philosophy, Analyse & Kritik, Analysis, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and edited volumes with Oxford University Press and Routledge. Find more of her work at